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Winter Wonderland Christmas Market

OVER 900 attended.....speechless

Our first Winter Wonderland Christmas Market WAY exceeded our expectations in all ways. We had a line up the sidewalk before we even opened with many anxious families. We had someone at the door with a tabulator clicker tracking how many attendees we had. We had 894 come through just one door .....that doesn't even include those coming through the inside door from the parks and rec lobby. We had well over 900 ATTENDANCE absolutely amazing is that??? Not bad for planning this large of an event in just 5 weeks Thank you to our sponsors : Your CBD Store and Charming Photography, and The Mountain of God church. Forever grateful.

We gave out over 120 pairs of Reindeer Antlers AND Santa hats in less than 30-45 it felt like. We ran out quick so to those who didn't get a pair we know for next year. Thank you to AD Newlin & Son Trucking for sponsoring those.

We went through over 100 cups of Hot Coco and 5 gallons running out in just 1 1/2 hours. WOW!!! It was super popular with all the fixings. Thank you to the Hoffman Family for sponsoring that.

We went through over 120 goodie bags and ornaments for kids to make. Thank you to Camelon Faces who ALSO rocked many faces to paint. She had a constant line all day.

Each child received a FREE Book from Santa and Mrs. Clause due to a donation that came in very late Friday night ..GOD IS GOOD!!!! We were also able to put an entire table full of Free kids new Scholastic Books for families to take to use for Christmas gifts.

We gave out over 250 reindeer candy canes and Rudolph Hershey Bars thanks to several troops and school who made them for us. Thank you for making all of those as we ran out within an hour of opening. Each child got one when coming in and also one from Santa.

We had the best Santa and Mrs. Clause, they were amazing and took time with each child. Thank you both. Thank you Grinch and Cindy Lou Who. They had a line before they even arrived . The Grinch was a popular attendee. I'm glad he didn't steal our decor!

Thank you to friends and family and to Shelly Lee who brought out the Handley Interact Club, we had 3 other youth there helping. You guys absolutely made Set Up within ONE HOUR happen with ease (OK I was a little stressed ). Thank you to all the vendors, attendees who bought raffles, 50/50 tickets, made donations and those that brought their families. Thank you for supporting local crafters and Kevin Riley Foundation of Hope .The fundraiser and event was a success for us. You have NO idea how much that helps our small non profit and these fundraisers is what allows us to be able to offer all of the kids activities completely FREE at all of out events!

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